Light of Christ

About the Emblem: 
The purpose of the Light of Christ emblem program is to help the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents’ active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and friend.

Program Objectives

  • To support the role of the parents as the primary catechists of their children
  • To have the Scout identify Jesus as a real person and as a friend
  • To foster early family religious involvement
  • To be a stepping stone toward Parvuli Dei and the other Religious Emblems, when the parents are involved
  • To serve as a catalyst to draw the parents into a deeper involvement with the Church, through the child


  • Registered 6 or 7 year old (Tiger or Wolf) Cub Scout of Catholic Faith.
  • Family must be registered with a Catholic Parish located in the San Diego Diocese.


  • Each Cub should have his/her own Light of Christ Activity Book (Publication Date 2003)
  • The book is designed for the Cub and his/her parent or guardian to work on together
  • Diocesan/eparchial safe environment and BSA Youth Protection policies must be followed

Scout’s Role

Actively work on the activities in the Light of Christ Activity Book with his/her parents or guardians

Parent’s Role

  • Actively work on the activities in the Light of Christ Activity Book with their Cub
  • Help their Cub with Bible readings and researching information
  • Keep the Religious Emblems Coordinator informed of the Cub’s progress
  • Utilize the Parent Guide

​Info for Parents/Guardians

  • Scout MUST register with CCS BEFORE beginning program.
  • Each scout needs their own Light of Christ Workbook.
  • Light of Christ workbooks are available for purchase at either the Council Scout Shop or online at
  • Cost is approximately $5 per workbook. We do not want cost to be the reason for a scout not participating. Please contact CCS office if you are having financial hardships.
  • A scout works on this program at home with their family not in a den or pack setting. 
  • An approved Emblems Coordinator will be assigned to your family by the San Diego Catholic Committee on Scouting Office. The Emblems Counselor will keep you informed of  deadlines and will  help you with any questions you might have about the program. ​​
  • Workbooks are printed with both English and Spanish instructions in the same book.
  • ​Scout will receive their Light of Christ Emblem at our annual religious emblem ceremony.